Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas Update

Lately, I've been so busy and haven't stopped. This (right) is my bedroom floor at the moment :| may not seem messy to some people, but to me its an state. I've still got 6 last minute presents to wrap or make presentable, and just 1 to buy! I'm booked up doing things like seeing family, going out, parties, so i won't have an rest til' Christmas day it seems, so it need to hurry up! :') even though I've already opened one of my presents from my auntie because in our family when we get given an present we open it in front of them and then little presents from my best friend on the last day of school! oh, and a nice little money gift in an card :)

Much love,
Lily XXX

Monday 19 December 2011

Review: Thermo Rollers

Recently, I've been testing out new techniques to gain volumised hair, without all the tugging, pulling and back combing, just to gain that extra milometer of volume. Actually, it was 'all about amy' TV programme about the beautiful 'Amy Childs' (who makes me laugh so much!), that i saw rollers in her hair. The day after i saw some thermo rollers (Top: Denman Thermoceramic self grip rollers) that i thought I'd give them a try. So, i did and was pleasantly surprised by the result they gave me!

Couple of days later, i was walking past superdrug, and my legs took a wonder into the shop, where i found (Bottom: Superdrug 6 thermo rollers- extra large) i thought I'd vary the size of rollers, to whether to gain that slight curl in my hair, and the rollers gave an nice effect once again.

I recommend rollers to anybody looking for relaxed curls that'll looked glamorous and partially volumized. They're cheap enough and takes no time at all, as all you do is put your hair dryer to medium and blow dry the rollers for a couple of minutes, then when they have cooled down, take them out!! I think they look very vintage aswell ;)

Much love,
Lily XXX

Friday 16 December 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011


On Wednesday it was my nan's and friend's birthday's and every year that means Christmas is nearly here! Now, to top it all off, i will be finishing school for the Christmas break tomorrow, which means much more Christmas related blogs and videos!!
I'm planning to do a Christmas inspired video with an collection of images from famous Christmas films to beautiful pictures. I will, however be taking lots of my own photo's to fill my blog up too, so keep updated! 

Much Love,

Friday 25 November 2011

LaLaLa...#Tumblr, Youtube, Ramble.

I have recently started my own tumblr channel >< Tumblr basically makes me want to throw my already broken laptop right up into the air. After, some rather hair pulling experiences of trying to get the f***ing background to stay in place and to actually save things i change, i finally was happy with it. Until now, where i can't actually scroll down on my page. :@. Just have to wait and see, if i will change it, if i have a good 6hours to get my self prepared to actually attempt to improve the state its in.

Along with Tumblr. YouTube has been back on my radar, not making videos, but watching them this time. However, I've filmed a couple of outfit of the days and (Recently deleted) make up tutorials, so hopefully i will pull myself together to make video's again. The only problem is the light, because it gets dark at around 4 o'clock, i don't get home from school until quarter to 4, and sometimes 6 o'clock, so the lighting is generally just shit all the time!

Ramble! I'm trying to promote my tumblr, twitter, blog and YouTube again ready for when i kick my arse back into doing it. i don't want to make it feel like a drag and that i don't enjoy it. also with my gsce's coming up, i should really be 'focusing' on my work, but that won't happen anyway, so i might as well do something i enjoy. Also, i will be doing an update soon on 'Project get gorgeous' about me recently dieting and other stuff
So, nice like 'LaLaLa' update there...

Much Love,

Monday 7 November 2011

Project Get Exercising#3

Now, I'm not going to bore you with all the 'usual' facts about why you should exercise, because we all know those inside out but still don't do anything about it.

Recently, I've been trying to loose weight and get fit! I started in about May, trying to step it up one. All i can say is no matter what sport you try, remember to build it up. I can't exactly say i 'started' cycling, because I've done it all my life and I'm naturally good at it. but in may i wanted to take it seriously. I started of with 2hour bike rides once a week, then did them twice, and then 4times a week.

The WORST thing for people like me, is to put everything on an schedule, because my life doesn't run on one. I try and do it Sundays and Wednesdays, and recently have been doing Tuesdays and sometimes Thursdays, but just see how your week plans out. DON'T let yourself get down if you only manage to fit one session in, because i always think of there being another week!

I'll update you on more of my exercising, because i don't want to put it all it on blog...

L xxx

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Review: Eylure Naturalites False Eye Lashes

Before project get gorgeous, I'd been trying out false eye lashes and surprisingly really loved the effect they gave me. However, when i got my hair extensions and started trying out false nails, i didn't want to over do it. Then i gave them a try once more..

Basically, I'm not going to lie and say i found the perfect false eyelashes straight away because i didn't. I gave up with the glue not sticking and then loosing one eyelash and then finding it at the bottom my sock when i came to cleaning them. Then i recently bought re purchased some Eylure, I'd always loved the Natural volume ones because I've tried them before. They make my eyelashes look more volumed and lengthened without making them look fake. At around £5 they could be deemed at expensive but they're reusable and when they're on special offer stock up.


L xx

Thursday 20 October 2011

Project Get Gorgeous#2- False Nails, Hair Extentions and Allergic Reaction!

I haven't updated on my project in a while. My main aim at the start was the try new things and products out. Even though, some of the things i try may come off as being 'fake'. My recent findings are false nails and hair extentions.

Firstly i will talk about the false nails, its my new found love, not only because of the amount of compliments i get, but i love the length of them. In the past, I've been put of the idea of false nails, because of the idea that surrounds them with being claw- like, but because of my lack of persistence with trying to drink milk and receiver calcium, to grow my nails, i find this a very good way of not trying!

Also, along with the false nails, I've stepped it up one, by getting hair extentions, because this is just an overview of my project, i wont be saying much about the extentions, because as I'm SO pleased with them i will do a separate review which will include pictures.

The right of the sock line LOL :')

Lastly, i have had a nasty allergic reaction to something. Now, it may seem little as you can see in the picture, but its incredibly itchy and almost resembles a stinging nettle sting. Its on my ankle (sorry about the grandad style ankle) and has been itching for about 4days now, even though it mainly occurs at night, its starting to irritate me during the day :@..

Much love and speak to you all soon..


Friday 23 September 2011

Project 'Get Gorgeous'#1

As, you may know i have been starting my project. I last spoke to you on Tuesday when i introduced what i was going to do. I know its only been 4days to test out products, so can't promise anything, but i have been loving (and always have liked!) the neutrogena wash/mask, but will do a full review a long with other things when i'm completely sure.

I have been strict in my skin care routine at night, which i can start to see the difference. Even though, the day time lacks a lot of TLC. At night, so far i am testing out what steps i should do in what order to suit my skin, as you may have been told over and over again about people's skin types not being the same!

Along, with skincare, i have been trying to tone up more. I have always been into cycling and not going to lie have always done it. So nothing has really changed, other than the full effort i put in this week. I cycled for 2hours mainly up hills off road. I felt much better after it.. Along with cycling i have been trying to do squats because I HATE MY BUM! I wouldnt say i have big legs, i have just been blessed with having toned legs even though they're not like a balllerina's. I have wide hips, which i also hate.. so Bum&Hips are defiantly on the radar to try and improve.

So, that's my update and hope to talk to you all soon!


Tuesday 20 September 2011

Earring Rave!

This is my new favourite piece of jewellery which is from Topshop. Thought i'd share it with you! Lovely piece which adds edge, and  love it with all my other piercings i have!


Project 'Get gorgeous'.

^^I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do to detail or how long this will last for! But 'PROJECT GET GORGEOUS', is basically my own personal challenge to get fit and healthy. I'll focus of body and face, as well as becoming for focused. The project will possibly include fake tanning and try outs of new products to get what I'm looking for. I basically want a toned, 'beautiful' body with a blemish free glowing face, which may increase my confidence. DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to become obsessed with becoming 'perfect', because there's no defining definition to the words 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous'. its just a bit of fun, which i hope may benefit me, as well as you!

I'm aiming to use my blog as a daily dairy, which i can share with you all kind of things, like recommendations, as well as what I'm getting up to within my project.

Speak to you all soon!

Love L XXX

Monday 19 September 2011


what happened?
long time no speak. Its been nearly 5months since I've down an YouTube video and about 4months since i wrote on here. i neglected videos and blogs basically so i could enjoy summer and now its over, i promise to TRY and do more online.
so what's been going on lately?
over the summer i basically went out with my friends and did summery-fun stuff. went to parties and had a great summer. now I'm back to school, I've moved up a year and have started my gsces. Normally, people disappear from the Internet to try and concentrate on school work, whereas i like to do things differently, i don't want to end up not enjoying blogging and videoing because it becomes to scheduled, so instead i want to enjoy it!
what's going to happen?
as, my birthday is just round the corner, i should be able to blog about that and film birthday hauls. also, as much as this annoys people, CHRISTMAS! its a time of year i love, and i felt Christmas-y in July :O, but the feeling is starting to come back now! so, except a few Christmas themed things. i don't want to just write about beauty related things either, so i may co-inside my own life into blog posts and videos.

so, who knows whats to come. but i am hoping I'm back for the autumn/winter season! Hope you had a good summer and should speak to you all soon!


Monday 6 June 2011


Today, the colour on my nails is Model's Own in the Colour 'Bronze Rage'. Its an gorgeous bronze (obviously!), with a sheen almost glitterly finish! Model's own nail polish's sell for £5 and are available at boots.

L x

Friday 27 May 2011

Superdrug's Beauty Card...

Supedrug's beauty card
This card is new the superdrug, and it is free to join up. You register the card online, where you can keep track of how many points you have. If you are familiar with boots advantage card, this is an similar concept. As, personally i switch between shopping in boots and superdrug, this is ideal for me. As, Superdrug tends to be cheaper than boots. You may spend the points you save up i believe on other products, which saves some money! I think if this is available to you, you should get one and its completely worth it, and only takes seconds to sign up!

L x

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Good And The Evil...♥

China Glaze-Awakening

Barry M- Pink Flamingo
China glaze nail polishes have got a reputation to be incredibly good, this is what persuaded me to purchase one. They retail at about £6-£8 in the UK. Also, i picked up a trustworthy Barry M nail paint. I generally always love Barry M nail vanishes as at £2.99, they are incredibly cheap and an incredible quality. Out of these two nail vanishes, i wanted one perfect for this type of whether. They may be total opposite shades. China glaze is an two tone colour, with a mix of purple and gold. Whereas, Barry M is what i describe as an 'Barbie Pink', its pure pink with a coral undertone to it. Surprisingly, i HATED china glazes, with such the hype around their nail vanishes, i was shocked at the result. After 3 coats, the colour (Awakening) still didn't completely covered my nail, the liquid was just to thin, and as i tried to build up the colour, it took hours to dry, literally about 4hours just because i couldn't get a colour pay off. Then i also tried Barry M's, it was totally brilliant, as always. Within two coats of the colour (Pink Flamingo) my nails look fabulous, and super summery. Once again, Barry M's comes out on top, and even though i don't completely strike out China Glaze, i shall wait until their is an colour i fall in love with!♥
L xxx


Saturday 14 May 2011

My Classic Songs|Bands...♥

This list is not in order, but here are a few bands and songs that i have listened to over the years and have become classics to me. They may be different to some other people, but they are personal to me for several reasons... Hope your enjoy. ♥

1. Wheatus
-Teenage Dirtbag

2. Arctic Monkeys
-I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
-Mardy Bum

3. Keane
-Somewhere Only We Know

4. Greenday
-Time Of Your Life

5. Fountains Of Wayne
-Stacey's Mom

6. Bloodhound Gang
-The Bad Touch

7. Fall Out Boys
- Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
- Sugar, We're Goin' Down

8. The Streets
- Dry Your Eyes Mate
- Fit But You Know It

9. The Goo Goo Dolls
- Iris

10. The Fray
- How To Save A Life

11. Blink 182
- I Miss You

12. The Wombats
- Moving To Newyork

L x

17Blusher Review...♥

I recently bought one of the 17 blushers and was completely surprised by the outcome. For years, i stayed away from 17, as i have had bad experiences from their company such as reactions and the products just being bad quality. As, i said i was totally taken back by this Blusher.

Its in the colour 'First Kiss', and is a gorgeous doll pink, but with gold under tones, that really complement my skin tone. Its got a brilliant pay off colour, and lasts most of the day without needing to re-apply. Its an build able colour, plus its super cheap at around about £3.65. Its now a must have of mine, and i may try some of their other colours to see if they live up to my expectations.♥ 

L x 

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Let's Start Again...♥

I have my own YouTube channel which includes beauty and fashion related things. Over the past couple of months i have been changing my blogs around, and its all become a bit too 'confuzzled' :). So, i thought I'd start again! On the blog, i will share my views on latest make up and trends, with swatches and favourites, as well sharing my personal experiences. ♥

L x