Tuesday 20 September 2011

Project 'Get gorgeous'.

^^I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do to detail or how long this will last for! But 'PROJECT GET GORGEOUS', is basically my own personal challenge to get fit and healthy. I'll focus of body and face, as well as becoming for focused. The project will possibly include fake tanning and try outs of new products to get what I'm looking for. I basically want a toned, 'beautiful' body with a blemish free glowing face, which may increase my confidence. DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to become obsessed with becoming 'perfect', because there's no defining definition to the words 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous'. its just a bit of fun, which i hope may benefit me, as well as you!

I'm aiming to use my blog as a daily dairy, which i can share with you all kind of things, like recommendations, as well as what I'm getting up to within my project.

Speak to you all soon!

Love L XXX

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