Friday 23 September 2011

Project 'Get Gorgeous'#1

As, you may know i have been starting my project. I last spoke to you on Tuesday when i introduced what i was going to do. I know its only been 4days to test out products, so can't promise anything, but i have been loving (and always have liked!) the neutrogena wash/mask, but will do a full review a long with other things when i'm completely sure.

I have been strict in my skin care routine at night, which i can start to see the difference. Even though, the day time lacks a lot of TLC. At night, so far i am testing out what steps i should do in what order to suit my skin, as you may have been told over and over again about people's skin types not being the same!

Along, with skincare, i have been trying to tone up more. I have always been into cycling and not going to lie have always done it. So nothing has really changed, other than the full effort i put in this week. I cycled for 2hours mainly up hills off road. I felt much better after it.. Along with cycling i have been trying to do squats because I HATE MY BUM! I wouldnt say i have big legs, i have just been blessed with having toned legs even though they're not like a balllerina's. I have wide hips, which i also hate.. so Bum&Hips are defiantly on the radar to try and improve.

So, that's my update and hope to talk to you all soon!


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