Monday 7 November 2011

Project Get Exercising#3

Now, I'm not going to bore you with all the 'usual' facts about why you should exercise, because we all know those inside out but still don't do anything about it.

Recently, I've been trying to loose weight and get fit! I started in about May, trying to step it up one. All i can say is no matter what sport you try, remember to build it up. I can't exactly say i 'started' cycling, because I've done it all my life and I'm naturally good at it. but in may i wanted to take it seriously. I started of with 2hour bike rides once a week, then did them twice, and then 4times a week.

The WORST thing for people like me, is to put everything on an schedule, because my life doesn't run on one. I try and do it Sundays and Wednesdays, and recently have been doing Tuesdays and sometimes Thursdays, but just see how your week plans out. DON'T let yourself get down if you only manage to fit one session in, because i always think of there being another week!

I'll update you on more of my exercising, because i don't want to put it all it on blog...

L xxx

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