Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Review: Eylure Naturalites False Eye Lashes

Before project get gorgeous, I'd been trying out false eye lashes and surprisingly really loved the effect they gave me. However, when i got my hair extensions and started trying out false nails, i didn't want to over do it. Then i gave them a try once more..

Basically, I'm not going to lie and say i found the perfect false eyelashes straight away because i didn't. I gave up with the glue not sticking and then loosing one eyelash and then finding it at the bottom my sock when i came to cleaning them. Then i recently bought re purchased some Eylure, I'd always loved the Natural volume ones because I've tried them before. They make my eyelashes look more volumed and lengthened without making them look fake. At around £5 they could be deemed at expensive but they're reusable and when they're on special offer stock up.


L xx

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